
Carpet Repair North Park San Diego Carpet Patch

Carpet Repair is not as easy as many may think. Just about every week San Diego Carpet Repair gets a call regarding bad repair work either by some HACKER who calls himself a repair guy and then we go and repair it correctly, or someone attempts to fix it themselves...

Bleach Carpet Repair San Diego

Many times bleach is accidently spilled on carpet. unfortunately bleach takes color right out of carpet and leaves nasty spots. Sometime these spots depending on size and how bleach burned they get, you can spot dye them and make them look good again. SDCR went out...

Carpet Cleaning Carlsbad CA 92009

Sometimes carpets need extra attention to get them back in good shape. That’s why here at San Diego Carpet Repair & Cleaning we offer a Restorative Type Deep Dual Process Cleaning!       First we deep scrub shampoo the carpets with Carpet Buffer then...

Carpet Repair Patch Carpet Spring Valley San Diego 91977

Many times plants that are in pots leave nasty stains on carpet from the the pot themselves or from the foil they put around them. Either way because of being watered they trap moister underneath and leave colored stains that in most cases can’t be removed. Good...

Hookah Carpet Repair Mission Valley San Diego, Ca 92108

I know many people these days enjoy their hookah time! Unfortunately many don’t know until its to late that the coals pop from time to time and fly out of hookah pipe and burn holes in the carpet. Sorry if this has happen to you but there is good news. Here at...

Carpet Repair Rancho San Deigo, CA 92119

Many times new puppies find there way to damaging carpet either by scratching or chewing carpet or having, should we call them BATHROOM accidents on the carpet! Good news is we can repair it! SDCR went out to Rancho San Diego to do a carpet repair and cleaning caused...